• Monday: Attended BOCC meeting, worked on Sam.Gov account and gaining access to county account. Returned an email to citizen regarding floodplain questions. Received a phone call from Oklahoma Water Resource Board about a complaint they received regarding flooding that had occurred due to recent rains. Went to the location and observed flood water covering hay meadow and approximately 50 yards into the complainant’s property. There could have been a dam failure on one pond that caused the excess water in area. I flew the drone over the property and observed no obvious development that would have contributed to additional flooding. Both properties are completely in the floodplain and the water is expected to be in that area due to ground saturation and rain received. I will return to area once the water recedes and reevaluate the situation. All information was reported to OWRB and they have closed their report and deferred it to local Floodplain Administration for any action if necessary.
April 5, 2024
OCEM Report