“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill - Sanctuary(n): a place of refuge or safety. It can be a physical location, such as a church or nature reserve, where individuals seek shelter from harm or find solace from the outside world. Sanctuary can also extend to a state of mind, symbolizing a feeling of security, peace, and spiritual well-being. For those battling the storms of mental health challenges, substance use disorders, and the hardships of homelessness, CREOKS stands as a symbol of hope, a blanket of support and understanding for individuals in need. From its roots deeply entrenched in the community, CREOKS blossoms into a haven, offering an array of services aimed at lighting the path towards healing and renewal. This is where stories of resilience are born, where lives are transformed, and where the promise of a better tomorrow shines brightly. Welcome to CREOKS, where compassion meets action, and the journey toward wellness finds a home.
April 3, 2024
CREOKS provides vital mental health, housing services