Romans 4:21-22 – He was absolutely sure that God would be able to do what he had promised. That is why Abraham, through faith, “was accepted as righteous by God.”
Righteousness. The word is defined biblically as, “living in the right relationship with God, other people, and all creation; to live justly, honestly, and faithfully according to God’s instruction.” During recent times in the world it has come to have some negative connotation attached to it, as if by being righteous we are trying to place ourselves above all others, which is the exact opposite of Jesus’ teachings. That, in turn, may make a new or weak Christian want to shy away from their belief so as not to have to deal with persecution. But remember what Jesus has done for us even before we accepted Him: He went to the cross to die a horrible death, taking with Him all our sin. Those sins were buried with Him. Then, just as God had promised, Jesus rose from that grave to spend eternity with His Father. Christ was sent as the ultra prime example of living by faith and therefore being justified and righteous. We who have accepted Him are expected to do the best we can to live the same way. Will we fail Him? Occasionally, or maybe even often, but God’s grace and forgiveness are there for the asking by a contrite heart. He will always provide us a way out, a leg up, an answer that we can forever count on. We must not overthink this righteousness or the world will leak in and starting covering our flickering light with darkness. Always, always, always stand firm in your conviction that Jesus is Lord, that He was sent for you, that you have been saved by God’s grace and Christ’s sacrifice, and that your faith will be rewarded and justified. Be righteous. (See also Romans 6:3-6 and 7:24b-25.)